Dwarf Fig Little Miss Figgy
Now you can grow figs, no matter what size garden you have! A dwarf mutation of ‘Violette de Bordeaux’, ‘Little Miss Figgy’ is…
Now you can grow figs, no matter what size garden you have! A dwarf mutation of ‘Violette de Bordeaux’, ‘Little Miss Figgy’ is neat and compact, and perfectly happy planted in a large patio pot. Ornamental, lobed leaves provide cover for the juicy, smooth skinned fruits. You may also get the bonus of two crops per year, in spring and autumn. The purple fruits of Fig ‘Little Miss Figgy’ are borne in profusion along the branches and each smooth-skinned fig has sweet, juicy flesh. Little skill or experience is needed to produce a bumper crop. will grow in all soil types , should be well drained and kept moist
Height 90cm - Supplied in P12 pots.
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