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Wildflower Seeds Yellow Rattle

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€12.00 - €20.00

Rhinanthus minor. Annual. Attractive, partially parasitic annual. It is a semi-parasitic plant which means that by using haustoria (root-like organs) …

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Wildflower Seeds Yellow Rattle

€12.00 - €20.00

Wildflower Seeds Yellow Rattle

€12.00 - €20.00
6 customers are viewing this product

Rhinanthus minor. Annual. Attractive, partially parasitic annual. It is a semi-parasitic plant which means that by using haustoria (root-like organs) it can absorb water and minerals from neighbouring plants.

This will often reduce the vigour of adjacent coarse grass , helping wild flowers to flourish . Each patch triggers succession allowing other species to establish in the resultant vacant areas. Flowers April to July.  

Yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor) is an annual, completing its life cycle in one year. In early spring the seeds germinate and grow quickly. As their roots develop underground they seek out the roots of plants growing nearby, especially grasses. Once contact is made the yellow rattle draws water and nutrients from them, suppressing the growth of grasses by as much as 60%. In the resulting space, wildflowers have room to grow. 

It is important to use freshly harvested seed . Our seed  is available every October from stock harvested in Ireland each summer .



Full cultural instructions: Send with each order . Sowing rate 10 grams covers 10-20sq meters 

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