Mr Middleton's Large Flowered Begonias
Our special collection will bring months of colour at an affordable price, every day from early summer well into autumn. Plant these be…
Our special collection will bring months of colour at an affordable price, every day from early summer well into autumn. Plant these begonias in beds, along borders or in groups.
They also make excellent pot plants for the patio or decking. Wherever you plant them, they will inject a vivid splash of colour. They are very unde- manding, requiring little care and they flower in great abundance.
Customer Reviews 2 Reviews Write a Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
I received my bid with the begonia tubers and the meadows seeds very promptly. I gave the begonias planted already and have only used half of the box of seeds to see how they take.
i am looking forward for these to flower the tubers I received are in perfect condition the service i received was excellent