Acer Palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum', is a variety of Japanese maple characterised by bright red branches and bronze-red leaves in spring that turn bright re…
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum', is a variety of Japanese maple characterised by bright red branches and bronze-red leaves in spring that turn bright red in autumn. Palmate leaves, divided into about 7 lobes. Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' can reach a height of around 4-5 metres. In spring it produces beautiful purplish-red flowers.
Acer palmatum is a species native to Japan and Korea, which arrived in Europe in the first decades of the last century and became very popular due to its fine ornamental qualities. Its light and decorative foliage is highly valued, with characteristic leaves with 5-9 narrow, acute lobes, 5-12 cm long, which take on a splendid scarlet-red colour in autumn.
Almost all cultivated varieties (cultivars) of Acer palmatum are slow-growing and shrubby, which can be divided into two groupings: tall (6-8 m) with an upright habit and short (2 m) with drooping branches, many of which belong to the dissectum var.
Acer palmatum should be planted in semi-shaded areas and in non-calcareous soils with an acid or sub-acid reaction. In the case of calcareous soils or soils with very hard (lime-rich) irrigation water, use natural sulphur supplements in the soil to keep the pH level at an optimal level, return natural peats and use acidifying fertilisers.