Calla Millennium Gold (OD)
A crowning achievement in colour and formadorn your garden with impressive, elegantly shapedflowers. Gold crown calla lily delivers a presence of exce…
A crowning achievement in colour and formadorn your garden with impressive, elegantly shapedflowers. Gold crown calla lily delivers a presence of excellenceto sunny spots on the patio or conservatory. Eachlarge, elegant funnel-shaped bloom is formed from asingle luminous, waxy petal that wraps around a spikypistil.
Start indoors in pots greenhouse or on a window still in March – April or outdoors from April- June . Plant out after frost to flower July- Nov . Plant in organically rich, heavily fertile moist soil . Space rhizomes 10cm apart when planting a clump together .
Planting: Plant in spring when all chance of frost is over and nights have warmed.
1 Bulb €6